Father's Day, Heat wave, and the joys of family

Oh man, what a weekend.

It reached 34 degrees here this weekend, which in of itself I suppose is not tragic, but if you add to that fact that our central air is on the blitz it made for a very steamy weekend! LOL

Haven't written much lately but in all honesty that is a good thing. I am keeping very busy.

Despite the heat, I had a great weekend. Hubby and I holed up in the basement one night and cuddled and watched movies on the movie projector. What fun! (and Thank God for the cool air downstairs!)

Had some friends over last Thursday, that was a really great feeling, some healing was done there I think.

Friday led to a day of cooking with some of the great gals from the church, we all chipped in and did up some freezer meals for one from our church we thought could use it. It looks like we might start doing this as a monthly thing or something. It was a blast. (I miss ya chel, sigh)

Father's day was nice, although I felt bad I couldn't make it more special for Dad. We went out for a nice brunch and then off to the Waterfront Service. Which was great until Wes had a it too much sun and proceeded to puke up purple pop all over the van and parking lot..... :(

We got our photos in from the ceremony, and of the boys. I am SO pleased. Hope you all enjoy :)


Oh BTW, inclosing a big copy of a couple of my fav's... :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I miss ya too :-(